I finally did it.  With God’s leading, I now have a business and this website, called The Choice to Choose!  This is my first blog!  Okay Lord, I’ll do my best, and you do the rest, and bless this effort!  

I’m committed to bringing back information, education, and presentations that encourage and direct towards sexual abstinence.  We call it Abstinence Education.  The idea is to promote and engage critical thinking, while directing youth to see the wisdom of choosing to wait for sex, until they are married, or ready for marriage!  It is a big mountain to climb but one step at a time.  The truth and realities are needed now more than ever.

I’m not afraid to use the word abstinence, even it’s been pushed away to the side in recent years.  Less charged terms are now used, like Sexual Risk Avoidance, or Sexual Risk Reduction.  Using these terms may be politically correct, but I’m going to stick with a term that defines an action, and presents a standard.  

In this blog, I will be sharing news and trends that serve to inform, educate, and encourage awareness and action.  All the things I write will come from a place of passion, commitment and advocacy that drive my desire to protect children and youth from the corruption that has been pushed out that permeates our culture.  Children are being robbed of the innocence and purity that is intrinsic to their youth.  Yes, it is an ideal, but it is time for a comeback.  We must get back to square one, and hold up a moral standard.  

Thank you for visiting.  More to come!